This page may change according to the Materia Media Wiki's needs
If the site becomes large enough, in order to accept donations, The Materia Medica Wiki will either have to register as a nonprofit corporation under the
Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act
Make the Materia Medica Wiki a Wikidot Community Site
Please discuss options in the comment section below.
If the site becomes large enough, we may vote on this in the future.
page revision: 3, last edited: 07 Mar 2017 02:54
I think as a site dedicated to all the Materia Medica's in the world, having a registered nonprofit would restrict the site to some archaic British laws, but it would allow for the acceptance of donations and/or have unobtrusive ads on the site to lower operating costs of the wiki.
And handing the site over to Wikidot to run a community site would allow for faster world-wide contributions as they have people who may be willing to work on the design and coding aspects of the site.